Polimom Says

A dog's life

Polimom’s always been a cat person. They’re neat, they’re clean, but most importantly, they’re not needy like dogs. Yet in our quest for suburban Nirvana, we have somehow acquired A Dog – and ever since, Polimom’s been on a really steep learning curve.
Did you know, for instance, that while cats (quite properly) consider their litter box to be a bathroom, a dog sees that same box as a crunchy snack-machine? Or that a Labrador Retriever, with a spare five minutes and a little determination, can dig a twenty-foot plum tree’s root system completely out of the ground? (Cats can’t do that.)
Still, it’s not all bad, and as our roly-poly puppy has matured, Genie (aka Miss Congeniality) has slowly worked her way into my heart. I mean, how can you not love an animal that will sit endlessly with its chin on your knee, gazing adoringly into your face. In spite of my suspicions that she’s really after my popcorn, it’s endearing.
The biggest drawback is when Polimom and family travel, and since we’re not a sedentary bunch, it comes up frequently. With enough food and water, cats can be happy for several days alone in a house, but were The Dog to be left alone for such a span of time, she’d eat the house. Worse yet, the cats would starve to death, since Genie would also eat their food (and maybe the bowls, too!).
Polimom was initially confounded by this conundrum, but querying more experienced Dog People introduced me to the puzzling world of kennels.
It turns out that all kennels are not created equally, and I was appalled by the “norm” out there in Doggie-world. Even I, a devout cat worshipper, wouldn’t want my canine beast stuck all day in a 4×8 cage, only coming out once or twice on a leash. I suppose that’s a fine way to spend the day if you’re an old, decrepit animal… but Polimom’s Adorable Child just had to have a puppy. (Go figure.)
Polimom was facing a no-travel future, bleak and boring, but there’s good news! Out my way (Ft. Bend County), there’s a new kennel with a different approach to the dog’s life – a facility with fenced acreage, a pond, and hours of daily play-time, complete with a dedicated ball-thrower (a must for anyone hangin’ out with Labs).

Genie at Waggin’ Tails,
pining away in our absence

I’m hesitant to share this dog-heaven with the world, since thus far we’ve had no problems setting up boarding dates or play-days… so I’m going to be as discouraging as possible:
It’s WAY out at the end of the planet – much too far for most Houstonians to drive. (Fulshear? Where’s Fulshear?). Worse yet, your Dog will get really dirty, and will probably sleep all the way back to the concrete jungle (and much of the next day, too). And there are creepy crawly bugs and other icky non-city-dweller critters.
But if you decide to make the trip, be sure to tell them Genie sent you. She’s always up for a new playmate.