Polimom Says

A link in the (NOLA) virus chain

Think New Orleans has kicked off a viral linking campaign for those who blog about New Orleans. The rules (and the why’s) are posted at Link Think New Orleans. I like the idea – it’s a great way to widen the horizon while highlighting posts of interest.
So – I’ve been ‘pinged’, and since the world is my oyster on this, I’m linking to New Orleans blogger Katrenema, who recently produced a beautifully human, poignant video. I was out of town when it debuted, thus missing my opportunity to highlight his effort… until now.
I’m also linking to New Orleans blogger Looka! The Gumbo Pages – always a great read.
Go forth and multiply.
Update: sigh…. I failed in my partial mission by not saying anything about myself. So – an addendum: Polimom Says was started to protect the poor innocents around me from the continual verbal onslaught of political and social commentary.
It seems to have worked, since I’m still allowed indoors at night (though I think I’m on a permanent probationary status).