Polimom Says

A Night for Sleep

It’s night again, everybody.
However far you had to journey to be able to read this, here in the Central Time Zone, it’s been dark for a while. I really do hope that everyone can get some rest for a change, whether they’re still in their houses or camped out on a motel room floor. Everyone certainly needs it.
Now that the troops have arrived, I’d like to think gunfire will stop. I never for a minute believed the official line given to me today about how all that shooting was only happening on the east side of the river. (Did they actually think that was believable?) Now that evacuees are arriving at destinations and checking in, more and more stories of the incredible insanity are being told – by people who were in it.
One of the people sheltering here with me in Texas told me she could only afford to have five incidents…. because while she did have a gun, she only had five bullets. When she was awakened two nights ago and confronted by a man’s face looking into her window, she decided that five probably wasn’t going to be enough.
I’m told that the police who are patrolling the Point are being quite resolute about people staying in their houses. I’m pretty confident that the residents, at least, will abide by that, if only to leave a clear target.
I’m relieved beyond words to see control coming in. Not a moment too soon.
Maybe tomorrow, we can start thinking about what’s coming next. Until then, I wish everyone a quiet night.