Polimom Says

An Idle Idol Post (Updated)

Televisions are very nearly ornamental in my house; I detest them.
However, as Adorable Child (AC) approaches the dreadful Middle School Morph, I’ve been spending more evenings in the den with her (and sometimes her friends), watching various programs, and I have a surprising confession to make: I like watching American Idol (AI).
This no doubt exposes a serious character flaw, but if so, I evidently share it with millions of other people. Small comfort, perhaps, but I’ll take what I can.
Watching AI with AC, however, doesn’t mean we actually vote.
I could say that it’s because the show runs right up into her bedtime, but that would be a tad misleading. What’s actually happening is that we’re watching both Tuesday’s performances (and talking about them all the way through), and Wednesday’s voting results (and complaining about them) — in exactly the same way people complain about political elections.
This is a clear case of poor role modeling, and Polimom plans to correct the problem. I can’t let AC grow up thinking her vote doesn’t count. In fact, AI is a perfect example of why we should vote — early and often.
For instance: Last night, host Ryan Seacrest said that 30 million people voted.
C’mon now. Does anybody really believe that 10 percent of the entire population of the U.S. is picking up the phone (or texting) on Tuesday evenings? Or that a significant portion of those 30 million deliberately chose Sanjaya? Again? (and again and again… )
Are there even that many female pre-teens in the entire country?
Of course not! 30 million people aren’t voting. I think it may be more like 10 people voting 3 million times… or maybe 100 people voting 300,000 times…. or…
Thus, in preparation for our participation next Tuesday, Polimom’s planned a series of educational practice runs. Since our household has two land-lines and two cellphones, we’ll be working on finger agility (re-dial is a crucial skill), and ambidexterity (a phone in each hand).
Like a good parent, of course, I’ll be monitoring AC’s activities for both content and technique — and if I see that she’s accidently programmed in a number for someone with no talent (easily done, btw), I’ll gently correct her by taking away her two phones and giving them to Dear Husband.
We can take back our country. It just takes planning, commitment, and motivation… and after several weeks of obvious voter fraud, it’s time to act.
Vote early. Vote often.
Update: So — the American Idol homepage has a poll up, asking what people think of last night’s announced results (and contestant elimination). After casting one’s vote, the results to date are displayed, along with a “Vote Again” button.
Just sayin’…