Polimom Says

A tragedy at Seven Lakes (edited)

A few minutes ago, I got an email from AC’s coach, notifying us that swim practice would be cancelled tonight due to “recent activities” at Seven Lakes High School. Not having a clue what was going on, I visited the Chronicle:

A 17-year-old student at Seven Lakes High School shot himself in a courtyard at the school during the lunch hour today, Katy ISD spokesman Steve Stanford said. He said no other students were involved, and no students are in danger.
Patricia Tupper, parent of a 10th-grader at Seven Lakes, came to the school to pick up her child. She said school officials told parents the student had “committed suicide.”
John Phan, 14, a ninth-grader at Seven Lakes, said school officials told students the shooting was accidental and they did not want to release the victim’s name.

Katy ISD’s website has a statement also.
This is, horrifically, the second death at [ed.]a Katy high school in the last couple of weeks, and the kids are going to be shaken hard. It’ll be impossible, though, for this young man’s family to understand, and my heart goes out to them.
It is, as so many things seem to be, something that Polimom understands all too well. I’m so very sad.
Edited to correct — The student that collapsed after an athletic work-out earlier this month was from Taylor H.S.  Sorry for the confusion.