Polimom Says

Another update

Just talked to Algiers….
According to the information they’re getting – the source of the flooding in the city has been found. There are apparently 3 breaches now at the 17th St. Canal levee. (They only knew about one before, I think.) The CBD (Central Business District) is continuing to flood, but the closer one moves toward the river, the dryer it is.
The officials apparently estimate that they will be able to pump out 1″ per hour. Assuming no further influx or rainfall…. they’re looking at 6 weeks before they can get the water down. Nobody’s coming back anytime soon.
Sheriff Lee has been calling for all flat-bottomed fishing boats, to be brought for the rescue operations. They are starting to move the rescued folks to the Sports Arena.
Local to Algiers
Trees and wires are down everywhere. Most streets are impassable.
Someone inquired about the NSA (Navy station). Yes, they took quite a bit of damage.
Re: Specific addresses on the Point. I don’t have any details on particular homes yet, sorry, other than what I’ve reported so far. I’ll see whether anybody can do a walk-by on some of the addresses I’ve been asked about, a bit later.
Re: Forest Isle / Tall Timbers area. I’m told that last night, they had some water in the streets, and maybe up to an inch or two in some ground floors. It’s pretty much all drained off there now, though.
More later…