Polimom Says

But we don't trust Bush!

Yet another interesting poll out from Times/Bloomberg (they had another on immigration that I used over at Polimom, Too):

Americans are divided over the prospect of U.S. military action against Iran if the government in Tehran continues to pursue nuclear technology — and a majority do not trust President Bush to make the “right decision” on that issue, a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll has found.

Oddly enough, most of the polling was carried out before Tehran’s uranium enrichment announcement (and the subsequent “so there!” attitude). I wonder whether the numbers would be different about military action now?
On the other hand, I don’t wonder whether the majority would tilt the other direction in terms of trusting Bush.

The poll results and interviews with individual respondents made it clear that the experience of Iraq — both the discovery that U.S. intelligence was wrong to declare that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and the costly continuing conflict against Iraqi insurgents — have persuaded many Americans to be cautious about going to war against neighboring Iran.

I’d be inclined to put Iran’s timing with its enrichment success off to bad luck, but I’m betting it’s not coincidental.
Credibility is a precious thing.