Polimom Says

Civics Experiment Update

Several folks have wondered whether I’ve had many responses to the letter I sent out Monday morning, asking local-area candidates whether they were willing to commit, publicly, to fiscal responsibility via PAYGO.
The short answer is… no.  I consider the number of responses received to date to be insultingly inadequate.
I’ve sent a second request to those who have not deigned to respond one way or another.
Thus far, I’ve heard from candidates in the following races:

US Senate  (one response 2 responses)
US Representative, District 7  (one response 2 responses)
US Representative, District 10 (one response) [Added]
US Representative, District 18  (one response 2 responses)
US Representative, District 29 (one response) [Added]

The only conclusion I’ve been able to draw thus far is that the vast majority of candidates in my area are not interested in the concerns of local citizens.  I hope they prove me wrong.
I’ll be posting Monday with specifics.