Polimom Says

Coming online – Algiers

The propogation for a supporting forum and information clearinghouse, by community, is finally moving through the world.
The site is still fairly raw, but the intent is to start getting people back in touch, to check in on a local level, and find out about their neighborhoods, more specifically. Global information (like when they start letting people go home) will hit this blog, also.
Currently, important information for the wider community is going to the home page, and everything else is being set up into forums. So far, there’s only an Algiers Forum, serving both the Point and Lower Algiers. But I need a hand.
If you’d like to help add the neighborhoods / streets for either forum, please let me know. And since I’m still pretty busy blogging this, I could also use an admin or two.
We have dedicated server and site support for this, and I am very grateful to “some people from Algiers” for pulling things together.
(This was not the original intent for the domain name… but it is what it is)