Polimom Says

Dobson's gang of thugs

What with one thing and another (it’s amazing how much time watering gunnite can take), Polimom missed this amusing little dust-up. From Media Matters:

A Media Matters for America review of cable and broadcast networks and major newspapers showed no coverage of recent criticism by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) of the “embarrassing spectacle of the Republican Party’s “blatant pandering” to the Christian right and James Dobson, founder and chairman of Focus on the Family. Armey asserted that “Dobson and his gang of thugs are real nasty bullies.”

Dobson’s gang of thugs! Wow! Said gang, of course, isn’t nearly as amused as Polimom:

Focus on the Family Action President Jim Daly said it’s shocking the former congressman would attack millions of values voters who helped Armey and other social conservatives gain control of Congress.
“That would be your listeners and readers, (he’s talking about),” the congressman told CitizenLink. “That would be the many Christians around the United States who devoutly hold conservative moral beliefs — and he’s acting like this is just some kind of political game. And it’s disgusting. I was incredibly disappointed to read these comments.”

What a fun little spat.
Ryan Sager, whose book inspird this wonderful by-play, has, of course, had a comment or two. His most recent post on the subject includes this tidbit:

Nope. That Terri Schiavo mess didn’t have a single thing to do with pandering to the Religious Right. No, sir.

I can’t remember when I was more inspired to rush out for a book.
(h/t Donklephant)