Polimom Says

From the Forum

I have not confirmed the post I’ve quoted below. However, it was an eye-grabber. For those of you who haven’t seen it…

Go to the » N.O. Town Hall forum
9108. ALGIERS – LOWER COAST by AdrienneSage, 9/1/05 14:18 ET
I heard from my husband who is on the Lower Coast with a handful of other neighbors. They are armed and patroling on horseback, 4-wheelers. 4th district police are at the bottom of bridge preventing people from coming into Lower Coast or Plaq. parish. 4th district police took them to Breaux Mart yesterday and allowed them to take out food and water. They have a generator, television etc. He told me that Entergy is restoring power to Algiers and it will be a while before they get to the lower coast.