Polimom Says

Happy Halloween!

(Yes, that’s a picture of my pumpkin!)
When I was a kid, jack-o-lanterns were pretty vanilla. My mom and I would scoop the mucky innards out of the pumpkin onto thick newspapers, and then throw the mess away. Then we’d draw shapes with a marker, and my dad would cut them out with his knife.
The world has changed a lot since triangle eyes and snaggle-toothed grimaces, and while I wouldn’t have named pumpkin carving as a major technological advance, I never could have produced a pumpkin face like I did this year with the tools we had then.

By the way – Don’t forget about the Haunted House on the Point this afternoon/evening! (Click the image for details, or read the blog entry about it, here.
Halloween is not just for kids! Be safe, everybody – and HAVE FUN! (Oh – and a note for Chavez – Halloween is not part of a US plot to terrorize you, or anybody else. Relax! Have some candy or something…)