Polimom Says

Hey buddy!

Being a displaced northerner, the “y’all” in my speech isn’t 100% reliable, and I’m just as likely to say “Hey you guys!” as “Hey y’all!”.
On the other hand, Adorable Child’s reaction to this (when she and her friends are the targets), is extremely consistent: “Mom! We’re not guys!!!!!”, followed by much rolling of eyes and gnashing of teeth.
Yeah, okay. Whatever. She’s a pre-teen, so I’m always wrong regardless. It doesn’t stop me, though, from pointing out that in this context, the term “guys” is gender-neutral.
Kind of like the word “buddy” when coupled with “system”

“I was laughing because you know in that debate, obviously Sen. Edwards and Sen. Obama were kind of in the buddy system on the stage. And I was thinking whoever’s up against the Republican nominee in the election debates come the fall is not gonna have a buddy to fall back on. You know, you’re all by yourself. When you’re president, you’re there all by yourself,” – Senator Clinton on her two rivals for the nomination. Notice another subtle use of the gender card. We really are headed back to the 1990s.

What a bizarre reaction! The gender card? Really? (And for the record — I just asked AC what she thinks of when she hears the term “buddy system”. She said, “AIM”. LOL!!!)
Given how hyper-sensitive people are proving to be about Hillary’s gender, I’m surprised that folks haven’t started ripping up the other part of Hillary’s interview yet:

On Tuesday morning when I got up before the sun was up, and was out helping to deliver coffee to everybody who was working for me, I felt really good by the time I came in around early afternoon.

Cuz… you know… only women deliver coffee.