Polimom Says

Ignorant myopia about "centrists"

From Firedoglake:

1) Those “centrists,” the people who can be convinced to swing Democratic in one election and Republican in the next, who don’t make up their minds until the night before an election or just run in the voting booth and pull all the top levers are probably not engaged in the political dialog to the point that they will want to “interact” with those who bring them their news. They might be stupid, apathetic or working three McJobs just to make ends meet but they’re probably not going want to spend their leisure time shootin’ the shit with VandeHei. People who are engaged political junkies tend to have strong opinions and they want to interact online with others who are like minded. If there were a great gaping demand for a moderate site, Joe Gandelman would be a rich man.

Ahem. Just a quick thought or two…
“Centrist” does not, by definition, mean independent, and a moderate may or may not be a centrist.
Furthermore, they are not inherently undecided, and assuming them to be stupid, apathetic, or working three McJobs demonstrates an astounding myopia.
Not only that, but anyone with strong opinions who goes online simply to interact with the like-minded is functioning in an echo-chamber. This is ignorance by choice.
Being “independent” requires rationality and open-mindedness. A brain.
Just sayin…