Polimom Says

In the spirit of the season

This past Friday night, the Spirit of Christmas (in the form of a group of teenagers) visited Polimom’s street. They moved from house to house, ringing doorbells; if someone was home, they stood on the porch and sang to them — uninhibited, and absolutely full of joy.
I stood under my own porchlight, not eight feet away, letting their voices wash over me, and I was so caught up in the moment that it wasn’t until they were gone that I remembered my camera. By the time I found it and went back outside, they had visited several more of my neighbors, and as they moved toward another, I overheard them talking.
One said, “This is great! We really cheered up those old people!
Oh dear. Feeling bemused (and pretty ancient), I went back inside, unnoticed and pictureless.
The next day, one of those teens came to my door looking for Adorable Child. AC wasn’t home, but since I know this young lady very well, I took advantage of the situation to lightly tease.
So, y’all were helping all us old people out, eh?
When she looked confused, I told her what I’d overheard. She said, “Oh no! We were so excited because we were able to sing for the old couple next door to you. They never come outside; I’d never even seen the wife, but when the husband saw us on the porch, he ran to get her. They loved it!
It took me a second to process that… and as I stared into her open, innocent face, I realized that I’d really missed an amazing opportunity when I didn’t photograph that group of kids. What I knew (and she clearly did not) is that those neighbors are Jewish. They’re no more Christian than I am… and she didn’t know that either.
If I’d followed through that night with my camera, I’d have captured more than a memory; those kids represent the very essence of what this season is all about. They weren’t worried about Political Correctness or “wars” on Christmas. They were wholly focused on giving — and the neighbors gladly received, just as I did.
This season, Polimom, DH, and AC wish all of you the very best. We hope you are surrounded by love and joy, and that you give — and accept the gifts you’re given — in the spirit they are intended, without strings or judgment.
A very Merry Christmas to all.