Polimom Says

Kucinich — Spinning the impeachment wheels

I haven’t a clue how Polimom ended up on a Dennis Kucinich email distribution list, but somehow I have…. and that brought me this email today:

Dear Friends,
Congressman Dennis Kucinich will present a single Article of Impeachment to the House of Representatives sometime between 3:30 pm and 4:00 pm (EDT) today, Thursday, July 10th.
A press conference will be held today at the Cannon HOB Terrace at 2pm (EDT)
Sessions of the House of Representatives are broadcast live on C-SPAN (check your local cable listings for channel) and streamed live via the Internet (www.cspan.org).
The article of Impeachment will deal directly with President Bush fraudulently obtaining support for an attack on Iraq by creating a false case for war. Full details of the Article of Impeachment will be available after they are read on the floor of the House by Congressman Kucinich.
Please spread the word and continue to circulate the online petition that Congressman Kucinich will personally present to members of Congress.

Now… I understand the anger about Iraq. And I see (and even share) the view that going into Iraq was a goal long before 9/11.
But c’mon now. Seriously?
Four months in front of a presidential election, and Kucinich thinks this is useful? There are no other matters of concern right now? He thinks introducing an impeachment article is of overriding importance to the nation (or even his Ohio constituents)?
And where, exactly, does Kucinich think he’s going with his impeachment article? I gather he’s okay with replacing George Bush with Dick Cheney now? (He wasn’t so hot on Dick Cheney last year.)
This is nothing more than political grandstanding — a purely political maneuver, as evidenced by the email signature block: “Re-Elect Congressman Kucinich Committee”.
He probably needs to get me off his email list.