Polimom Says

Learning to see… Curves

One of the unexpected benefits I’ve found in photography has been the odd “seeing the world through a lens” affect. It can surface anywhere: driving down a suburban avenue in heavy traffic, I’ll notice the plantings beneath the (often stunted) trees in the median and mentally compose an angle to capture them; filling up my tank with gas, the pump will abruptly become a framed image; colors and shapes at the playground jump into poster-sized childrens’ room art.
It can be distracting and disconcerting, but generally it’s a fascinating by-product of looking through my camera’s lens so often.
I’ve recently been working to expand my “eye”, and to that end I’ve joined several photography groups that propose weekly (or monthly) subject themes. These groups sometimes simply allow people to post their results for general edification and discussion, while others are contests awarding nothing more than gratification that an image attempt met with success.
The latest of these, for me, was “Curves”.

Just curves — not a specific noun or color — and I discovered a blind spot in my mind’s internal lens. Turns out that curves are very hard for me to see, and I spent the entire week trying to foster that vision.

I did, ultimately, manage the mental calisthenics, and now am able to add curves — and other shapes — to the composition process.

So — it’s a long weekend!  Go shoot some curves. Just curves. If you’re like me, you’ll find it worthwhile, and highly rewarding.

And if you come up with some cool shots, or just would like some feedback, feel free to give a link in the comments!