Polimom Says

Local relief information, and some updates

Relief supplies for / in Algiers are being spearheaded by the South Baton Rouge Church of Christ. They have set up a warehouse on Mardi Gras Blvd., and are distributing food, medicines, and other necessities throughout Algiers. (They are coordinating efforts in other parts of the region as well.)
The Church has a website, here: http://sbrcc.org/, for general information. If you have supplies that you are trying to get into the area, contact Mike Reaves at (225) 927-4673 (HOPE).
Also – The folks on the Point are getting just a bit overwhelmed by the many direct phone calls. They are online now (generators are very cool!), and have asked that general queries please be posted in the polimom.com forums. If you have information that is confidential or sensitive, please send a message to polimom’s email, and we’ll get it to them.
Things are moving at an astonishing pace all over Algiers. I’m told that lights were visible “down towards DeGaulle” last night, and some of the major stores are starting to re-stock. Things are looking up!
More later…