Polimom Says

Manic Thursday

It used to be Mondays that caused Polimom stress, but with DH (Dear Husband) off to NOLA for the week, this week’s Dizzy Day turned out to be Thursday.
I just haven’t been able to sit in one spot long enough to compose my thoughts, and thus nothing has made it to the blog. ‘Bout the only good thing I can say is that there are a couple of (very) rough drafts waiting in the wings when I catch my breath. (Actually, that’s not totally true. I managed to get something out to the Chronicle.)
There are, however, a couple of interesting stories running around today.
For instance, it appears that Senators Feingold and Specter had a bit of a tiff today over a proposed Constitutional Amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage.
Another story that has me riveted concerns reports of a number of civilians being shot by some Marines in Iraq. Rep. Murtha has enraged some folks by talking publicly about the incident while the investigation is ongoing.
All in all (as always), an interesting day…. but I’m off and running again. Hopefully, I’ll push some more coherent thoughts out later.