Polimom Says

"Meals Without Wheels" – and a Pet Update

“Fort Pelican” has morphed into “Meals Without Wheels” on AP – much better!!!! They’ve connected with some of the elderly that you’ve written to us about, and the community is again able to help one another. Security is a good thing.
Supplies are coming into Algiers, now, from various places. That’s timely, because the supplies are now dwindling, and the elderly have a lot of trouble with the MREs. Thank you, world!
On the Point, they were visited by the Baton Rouge Church of Christ, who brought lots of food and water. The Church will be bringing more tomorrow, they say. I don’t know who, or how much, went to the rest of Algiers, but I feel confident they are not forgotten.
And about those pets: I just posted information about pets they currently know about on the Point. (In the forums, under pets). We still don’t have a reliable foothold in the rest of Algiers. Hang tight…
Also – The Baton Rouge SPCA says they are going to come in (maybe tomorrow?) and try to rescue as many as they can find. I’m not the point of contact on this. Vinnie’s information is in the pet forum.
Good night, everybody.