Polimom Says

More Congressional geese (and ganders)

The debate in Congress continues about whether to raise the minimum wage, and Democrats apparently are willing to forego their COLA increase to force the raise through:

Democrats ratcheted up their election-year push for an increase in the federal minimum wage Tuesday by promising to block a congressional pay hike unless some of the lowest-paid hourly workers get their first raise in nearly a decade.
“Congress is going to have earn its raise by putting American workers first: A raise for workers before a raise for Congress,” said Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada.

While Polimom suspects everything is grandstanding at the moment, I can’t say I disagree with the sentiment — particularly since

A majority of senators are on record in favor of increasing the minimum wage, which currently brings a salary of $10,700 a year for full-time workers, about $6,000 below the poverty line for a family of three.

I’ve read any number of opinions about what a small percentage of the work force is affected, and how few people actually stay at such a wage, but in truth, Polimom knows quite a few folks who earn minimum wage… and that’s all they’ll ever earn.
Yup — time for the gander to either give it up for the goose… or just give it up.
(Prior post on this, here.)