Polimom Says

Morning Coffee

Here are a few posts from around the ‘sphere to accompany your coffee this morning:
Dr. Steven Taylor at Poliblog comments on Texas’ strange and disappointing governor’s race, where the unpopular incumbent leads in the polls. (FWIW — Polimom voted for Strayhorn last week.)
Jon Swift delivers one of his best: Rush Limbaugh Takes on the Wheelchair Lobby

Limbaugh said what many were thinking. Why do disabled people constantly feel the need to call attention to themselves? Why don’t they do a better job of hiding their afflictions so that we don’t have to see them, which just makes us uncomfortable?

You really have to read it all…
Joe Gandelman has some thoughts on a CNN poll that Bush’s stumping isn’t doing much for his own popularity — including this tidbit that made me laugh:

Usually when a President campaigns the idea is that he goes out on the hustings so that some of his popularity rubs off on the candidate for whom he’s campaigning.

Of course, Bush is pretty much preaching to the choir in the areas he’s visiting — including CD22 (Tom DeLay’s “old” district). If you’re following this race, btw, you might enjoy this Op-Ed from Bob Dunn at Fort Bend Now.
Finally, Tim F. at Balloon Juice has a thoughtful post on al Qaeda, and what’s next for them. Food for thought there.
So… what are you reading this morning? Tell us about it in the comments…