Polimom Says

Night creeping

Somewhere between supervising “go to bed” and getting up at 0-dark-thirty every morning, I almost never shoot at night.   (Plus, creeping around outside until nearly midnight makes me a saggy-eyed hag the next day.  Guess how I know…)
As a result, I’m not particularly skilled with night photography.  Last night, though, we were fogged in so thoroughly, I couldn’t resist trying.

The composition requirements change radically in this environment — deceptively so, since human eyes compensate dramatically in low-light conditions.  Furthermore, the usual “tricks” for non-uniform light (fill flash, for instance, or multiple exposures) would completely defeat the purpose.

These were both long exposures — 30 seconds or so — and while I think they’re “okay”, they don’t come close to capturing what I saw.
I clearly need to work on this… because it’s really a different world out there in the dark.