Polimom Says

"No Professional Photography Equipment"

Polimom and Adorable Child went to watch the Aeros play this afternoon at the Toyota Center in Houston.
You’ll just have to take my word for it, though. I can’t show you any fun shots, cuz they wouldn’t let my camera in the door.
This is what their site says:

Professional cameras are prohibited at all events in Toyota Center unless accompanied by an appropriate media credential. Cameras containing lenses ( not to exceed 4 inches in length ) with no flashes may be allowed for some events.

And that’s also what the nice guy said when he sold me the tickets: 4 inches.
Since I don’t know how one defines “professional camera”, I decided to just bring my usual D50 and two lenses: one about 1/2 inch over the 4″ mark, and another about 1/2 inch under.
Nope and nope.
It seems the security guy had his own interpretation of the policy, and for him, 4″ includes “extended length”. Folks, I’ve re-read that policy a bunch of times now, and I still don’t see that caveat there. Do you?
So tomorrow, I’ll be on the phone with the Toyota Center, reading somebody the riot act (like they’ll care…) — but there’s really a larger question here.
Aside from mincing definitions about extended lengths on telephoto lenses… What is the purpose of such a prohibition on cameras? And why is it that some facilities allow lenses up to 12″, and some don’t care at all as long as you don’t bring a tripod/monopod… but others are worried about a DSL in any configuration?
Anybody know? Cuz it’s really annoying…