Polimom Says

No Rotten Fruit, Please

So – I’ve slaved for days (and days and days) over a new template – it’s here finally!
Yes, I know there are some quirks. Some of the most glaring (that I see so far) are the blockquotes – those little sections in the middle of some posts where I quoted somebody else.
As it happens, I’ve been “tweaking” those to look right all along – so my tweaks aren’t happy at all in the new environment. C’est la vie.
If you notice anything else that seems to be bizarre, let me know. . . but please don’t all tell me at once that it looks terrible. I want to enjoy the change from the polimom pink for a while first! lol….. (I hated that template!!!!!!!)
The picture in the banner, by the way, is one I took last Thanksgiving in Monterey. One of the best photos I’ve ever done, I think.