Polimom Says

Patriots, and Uns

Sometimes, I can’t help but be amused by where the divisive tactics of recent years have taken us.
Here’s Bryan at Hot Air, going off about something called “the Patriot Corporation Act”

Setting that aside, by defining some corporations as patriotic, you’re necessarily defining others as unpatriotic, and based on economic decisions they’re making and often being forced into making by the tax and legal environment that’s forced on them by the idiots in Washington.

Let’s just play with words for a second, shall we?

[…] By defining some people as patriotic, you’re necessarily defining others as unpatriotic, and based on ideological positions they’re taking and often being forced into making by the post 9/11 politics of fear that’s forced on them by the idiots in Washington.

Amazing how easy that was to do.
In terms of labels and the left vs right, isn’t it interesting how terminology is only a problem for the side that currently has the “un” attached?