Polimom Says

Pre-Ike quiet

Adorable Child is off to a friend’s for an overnight, leaving Dear Husband and Polimom with nothing to do.  Our hurricane preparations are complete, and we’re at loose ends now.
I can’t actually say this will be a non-event in Katy (as Rita turned out to be), but I’m pretty confident now that it’s not going to be too big a problem out our way.   (Added:  And we’re looking ever-better.) We did not board any windows, and judging by the latest intensity forecast, the 2x4s are probably going to remain uncut as well.
I took a look at my site stats a little bit ago, and traffic is holding steady with people searching for info about Katy.  Probably 1/3 of them are still trying to figure out whether Katy should be evacuating.  For contrast, I met two families who’d evacuated to Katy while walking around the neighborhood just now.
In our own little corner of town, the folks who panicked in 2005 are much calmer this year.  As far as I know, not one family has evacuated our street (as opposed to probably half for Rita).  And hardly anyone boarded — though there’s a possible case of neighbor peer-pressure around the corner, where a tiny cluster of 3 houses is boarded completely.  Interesting psychology there…
All in all, things look pretty darned quiet — which gives me a moment to turn my thoughts to the people along the coast.  I wish them a safe evacuation, as little damage as possible, and a very soon return home.