Polimom Says

Slow news day

This is clearly a slow news day. The lead story on memeorandum right now is a (now-deleted) post written by someone named “Brother Nathanael Kapner”. It was posted to the community space at my.barackobama.com — specifically, to the page of a “group” called “Socialists for Obama”.
The blog post has been pulled down — but not before folks got themselves all frothed up.
I wonder whether a simple google search on Bro. Kapner would have helped Carl with his confusion about who wrote that piece? Cuz while google turned up some interesting conspiracy theorizing and ski-slope dancing, it also clarified for even the simplest of minds that Nathanael Kapner is not Barack Obama.
So folks…. you do realize that pretty much anyone can set up a space on any of these political sites…. yes?
And you do know the difference between an official campaign site and contributor space… right?
Here’s a hint:

Content on blogs in My.BarackObama represents the opinions of community members and in no way should be interpreted as endorsed or approved by the campaign.
