Polimom Says

Some News

I just spoke with the OPFD. Here’s what I have:

  1. So far, the only staging operation happening on Algiers Point is the Orleans Parish Fire Department. Until power can be at least somewhat restored (nope – no idea when), larger-scale efforts from the Point probably won’t launch. So no need or request for support housing yet. There is activity on the Point, though. That’s a good thing!
  2. He says people who made it out of town should not try to come back right now. The conditions on the roads are actually very dangerous (car-jackings, for instance). Try to accept the possibility of four weeks or so.

Some other information I have about conditions (from other sources) for you to bear in mind:

So – the upshot is…. everybody stay calm, take a deep breath, and try to be patient. Hopefully, four weeks is a “worst-case” scenario.

More later…