Polimom Says

Speak up!

I don’t think you have to agree with Polimom’s politics to support this statement:

“To the Congress of the United States: As We the People vote today we are asking you to do your part and end the blame-game politics of Washington. Partisan bickering cannot solve the crucial issues we face. America deserves better.”

If those words speak to you, Unity08’s petition is here.
And if you’re not familiar with them, this recent blog post will give you a taste:

The overwhelming lesson of this just-plain-ugly election year is that there is so little to be proud or optimistic about – so little on which the winners can claim a mandate.
And regardless of who the winners are, most of us will lose, because once again the system has brought out the worst of both parties rather than the best.

I’m thinkin’ that might sound familiar to one or ten of you…