Polimom Says

Star signs and stop signs

Hmmm…. according to this, I should feel better about AC as a driver one day:

According to a study by InsuranceHotline.com, a Web site that quotes drivers on insurance rates, astrological signs are a significant factor in predicting car accidents.
The study, which looked at 100,000 North American drivers’ records from the past six years, puts Libras (born September 23-October 22) followed by Aquarians (January 20-February 18) as the worst offenders for tickets and accidents
Leos (July 23-August 22) and then Geminis (May 21-June 20) were found to be the best overall.

OTOH, they rate Aries as amongst the “scary drivers”… but I and my perfect driving record are here to tell you that this is… um… hogwash. Guess I’ll stick with those gut-clenching, sleep-losing worries about my little Leo behind the wheel of a car for a while.
In other news, a group of scientists attempting to map the edge of the world have disappeared, presumably lost to sea monsters.