Polimom Says

The blogging game (my head isn't in it today)

For whatever reason, my head just isn’t in the blogging game today.
I’m not sure whether it’s an emotional hangover from that adrenaline-filled Saints game last night, or the more mundane problem of Christmas coming in less than two weeks, and me with not the first present purchased (probably the latter).
With a little luck, I’ll manage to stumble into the one store in the mall that has the perfect present for everyone, and free my mind for other things soon.
In the meanwhile, though, I wanted to mention that voting for

The 2006 Weblog Awards

is going on, and there are some wonderful blogs there for which you can vote.
Myself, I’ve been trying to unravel the technical challenges of stuffing a virtual ballot box, so I can overwhelm the Best Humor Blog category for my favorite Jon Swift. He’s absolutely hysterical, as are many of his intellectually-stymied commenters.
Since I can’t figure it out, I’m hoping y’all can help me, either by giving him LOTS of votes, or telling me how to rig the system.
Seems only fair, since the system itself is so clearly susceptible to fraud. Otherwise, how to explain the strangeness in… say… the Best Conservative Blog category, where Captain’s Quarters is losing to the raving maniacs from lgf? (I wanna see a paper trail on that one!) And while we’re at it… who on earth thought Ann Althouse belonged in the “centrist” category?
All very diverting, I must say.
I’m pleased, though, to see so many of my friends in the running (in quite a few categories), and I wish them all well. And for the record, I’ll stuff all their ballot boxes, too, just as soon as I unravel the technical problems…