Polimom Says

The Democrats and their pathetic "rules"

In the last few days, I’ve talked with many people about Barack Obama and why I have decided to support him. We’ve discussed domestic policy, foreign relations… even Bill Clinton and George Bush.
The one thing that has not come up is how I feel about supporting a candidate who represents the Democratic party.
Considering that this entire nominating process disaster stems from Democratic party rules, it’s just as well the question hasn’t come up… because I’m singularly unimpressed.
Today, reading about Hillary Clinton’s latest spastic grasp for power, I find that I’m second-guessing my support for Barack Obama — not because I have lost respect for him, but because I have almost no respect just now for the political party he represents.

The notion that pledged delegates must vote for a certain candidate is, according to the Democratic National Committee, a “myth.”
“Delegates are NOT bound to vote for the candidate they are pledged to at the convention or on the first ballot,” a recent DNC memo states. “A delegate goes to the convention with a signed pledge of support for a particular presidential candidate. At the convention, while it is assumed that the delegate will cast their vote for the candidate they are publicly pledged to, it is not required.”

Yes, Hillary Clinton is clearly willing to risk everything to take her place at the head table… but it is the Democratic party rules that allow her to do it this way.
It’s hard to argue that your party is fit to govern when it created such a ridiculous, and entirely undemocratic system.

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Update: Another statement from the Clinton campaign (at TPM), this time saying they didn’t say what Roger Simon says they said. Or something. I agree with Joe (and Capt. Ed) — they tried to float one of those new-and-improved lead balloons.
Really, really dumb idea.