Polimom Says

The liberals made it all up!

Mary Eberstadt’s piece in today’s OpinionJournal (in the “Taste” section, no less) hit an odd, off-key note. In adding her two-bits to the massive accumulation of virtual ink relating to the Edwards’ blogger-scandal, she writes:

For what the blogger tempest really illuminates is a fact that could come to haunt the Democrats as they vie for national office: namely, that their past few wilderness years have also been boom years for the church-loathing liberal/left punditry. As a result, anti-Christian invective now graces (or disgraces) many of the books, magazines, Web sites and blogs to which liberals, including the Democratic elite, habitually look for ideas. One motto of this cottage industry is that the most serious threat to the American republic can be found in, no, not those religious fundamentalists, the ones that first leap to mind after 9/11; but, incredibly, certain other believers–our nation’s Christians.

Yes. Incredible. Like this latest bizarre attack on evolution, maybe?
Or perhaps the five different sets of science standards in eight years for Kansas schoolchildren, thanks to their evolution vs. creationism battles?
Or would Katherine Harris help trigger some memories?
You know — I don’t think you have to be a Democrat or a Liberal (and Polimom’s neither) to see that concern about religious fundamentalism making inroads on our government isn’t someone’s flight of fantasy.