Polimom Says

There's Nobody Driving the Bus!

I’m having a really bad dream. In my dream, I’m a passenger on a bus that is driving down an unfamiliar road. I don’t know how I got here. I know I didn’t buy a ticket for wherever we’re going.
The bus is full of people. They are standing in the aisles, and all the seats are all filled with older people and sleeping children. Every now and then, the bus stops and a few people get off.
In my dream, I struggle to make my way toward the front of the bus. It’s really difficult, because I have to step over and around people, and in the way of dreams, the bus seems to be miles long. Surely there can’t be this many people on a bus? Every person I pass calls out to me, “Where are we going?â€? and “Are we there yet?â€? I want to answer them, but I’m just as lost as they are.
At last I make it to the front of the bus, to the driver’s spot – only to discover that it’s the only empty seat.