Polimom Says

Things I didn't know

Buffalo Bayou winds itself all over this part of the state, and not far from my house, there’s a bridge where cars are always parked. I’ve always wondered what was down there, and what folks were doing — so yesterday, I decided to go find out.
This turns out to have been one of those good / bad ideas.
On the good side, Polimom still has lots to learn about the world — a truly joyous realization, particularly since I’m coming up on yet another birthday.
Honeysuckle, for instance. The nearly overpowering, heady sweetness hanging in the air takes me back decades to lazy summer afternoons, when we would gently pull the stamen through the bottom of the blossom, and lick the drop of sugary nectar. It was delicious!
Turns out, though, that people aren’t the only critters that love this aroma:

I learned, too, that trying to frame and carefully compose pictures is a bit over-rated — at least in my case. This shot, for example, was boring beyond belief at the time:

It turned out, though, to be glorious — and so I went ahead and played with the watercolor filter in Photoshop.
The learning-curve blessing is mixed, though, when it comes to safety glass — which is evidently not-so-safe if you’ve just smashed in a window and you’re in a hurry:

Just at the moment, that’s fine with me.
In fact, I’m kind of hoping whoever this was needed a whole bunch of stitches. He made a real mess out of Polimom’s car.
All in all, a very educational afternoon, yes?