Polimom Says

Walking and chewing gum

Bless their little hearts, they’ve taken up the most important issues of the day in the House:  College Football playoffs.

In his opening remarks during a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s commerce, trade and consumer protection subcommittee, Barton — the panel’s ranking Republican — recalled the hearing he held on the same matter several years ago.  [Snip]
“We are keenly interested,” he said, “some indeed are very passionate about it. It is not in the interest of college football for anybody to be dismissive of our congressional responsibility and our congressional commitment.”
Rep. Gene Green (D-Tex.), who displayed a football helmet of his alma mater, the University of Houston, said that while constituents may also have their minds on larger matters, “We can walk and chew gum at the same time.”
Nobody was quite as passionate as Barton, who, despite being an alumnus of a BCS-conference school —Texas A&M — has been arguably the biggest Capitol Hill advocate for a playoff system.
Barton took particular issue with Notre Dame’s special status in the BCS and with Swofford’s argument that the school’s storied football history gives it a special place in firmament.
“Using that logic,” Barton said, “Delaware ought to have 50 votes in the House.”

There.  See?  It’s all tied together.  Important stuff for our government to be worrying about.  I’m so glad they’ve got nothing else to work on.