Polimom Says

What was I thinking???

I can’t imagine why I thought getting involved in this election during the primary season was a good idea. I should have stayed on the sidelines, as I’ve always done, and let the partisans sort it out.
Both platforms contain elements I like, and others that I don’t; I have nothing invested in the Democratic party, any more than I have in the Republicans.
Had I stayed aloof, I could have noticed from afar the depths to which Hillary has stooped over the last week and laughed. I would have been amused at the prospect of several more months in which one Democratic candidate will savage another, thus destroying his prospects in November… and the Dems chances altogether.
Because her own presidential prospects were always dismal, and the percentage of the electorate who would never vote for her under any circumstances is just as high today as it was two months ago when she was riding high.
She doesn’t care about that, obviously — nor do her supporters or party. So why should I?
Nonetheless, here I am, emotionally invested in today’s outcome. Since I voted early, I plan to spend part of my day at the polls, helping if I can… and tonight, my neighbors and I will be caucusing — all of us for the first time.
This is our only chance to affect the outcome; tomorrow, the primary wave will have passed on.
If Hillary comes out ahead in Texas, she’ll no doubt continue her destructive politics all the way to the convention. Her scorched earth tactics, even if Obama should end up the nominee, will damage him beyond hope for November.
I really don’t know what I was thinking when I decided to care. Foolish Polimom.