Polimom Says

Whispers, smears, and rumors

Since mid-May, a decent amount of effort has gone into creating yet another internet rumor about Barack Obama. Orchestrated again by the self-aggrandizing Larry Johnson (who’s name almost never appears in print without the “former C.I.A.” modifier), the hope seems to be that — like the “Obama’s a Muslim” rumors — enough people will chomp down on the bait and swallow the hook that it will damage Obama’s chances.
Larry’s latest venture says there’s a tape of Michelle Obama going off about “whitey”.
This entire rumor reminds me of a poor espionage novel, complete with clandestine million dollar offers for the tape (spies! spies!), secret deals, and attempts at cover-ups (more spies!). And considering the source, you’ll be stunned to learn that the protagonist in this Tale from the Darkside turns out to be Hillary.
Unfortunately for the pure-of-spirit Larry, there’s been a tad of skepticism about the rumored tape, so he had to ramp up the suspense-level a bit. Thus over the weekend, there were several posts on his site, breathlessly telling the world that there’d be Big News at 9am on Monday morning.
And by golly if he didn’t deliver!

I learned over the weekend why the Republicans who have seen the tape of Michelle Obama ranting about “whitey” describe it as “STUNNING.” I have not seen it but I have heard from five separate sources who have spoken directly with people who have seen the tape. It features Michelle Obama and Louis Farrakhan.

Whoa….. you mean… he’s spoken to people who have spoken to people??? That IS important!
Like Larry’s servers, blogospheric BS meters are melting down. (Well, for some, anyway. Others evidently have more… er… resistant meters.)