Polimom Says

Ah, those crazy kids and their parties

Polimom believes – firmly – in the rights of American citizens to keep and bear arms, but there is absolutely no chance that the founders of our country had this in mind when they wrote the Second Amendment:

At about 5:15 p.m., some party-goers produced guns, including AK-47s, and shots were fired, McDuell said.

“Party-goers”??? “Revelers”??? In a Jack-in-the-Box parking lot? Gotta wonder what those invitations looked like, eh? Personally, I’ve never attended a party where anybody produced guns at all, much less AK-47s.
I suppose it’s possible that Polimom has discovered yet another example of my middle-agedness. Perhaps this is happening frequently and I’m just not making the guest list? Woe and alas, to find oneself socially side-lined so late in life. (Not!)
What an unbelievable mess this society is.