I promise… to stop yelling at you. In return, you must promise to stop arguing every time you don’t get your way.
I promise… to drive you to your various medical appointments. In return, you must promise to do what the doctors and therapists have asked of you.
I promise… to give you an allowance. In return, you must promise to do your chores, as well as help when needed around the household.
I promise… to support your dietary explorations by buying, and sometimes preparing, foods nobody else in the household will eat. In return, you must promise to eat regularly and healthily.
I promise… to let you have various electronic gadgets in your bedroom. I also promise not to insist on a specific ‘bedtime’. In return, you must promise to get enough sleep.
I promise… not to nag at you. In return, you must promise to do what’s asked of you when the request occurs.
I promise to meet you halfway… if you promise to be there as well.
Polimom Says Articles.
When we tell people here that we’ve just moved from the Gulf Coast region, they nearly always say, “Ah! Then you’re used to this heat!” (Nobody gets used to heat like this. You just endure.) I’m kind of expecting the …
Five years sounds like a blink of an eye to me most of the time… but the days following Katrina, and the chaos and emotion that lived on this blog then, seem much longer ago than that. Is it really …
The other day in the car, Adorable Child, her friend, and I were talking about American Idol this season. We all agreed that this year’s not worth watching (AC and I aren’t following it at all), and that last year …
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