Polimom Says

Context matters

As is often the case, Polimom came across one thing while looking for another. This morning, it was the Snopes (Urban Legends) page titled “Words of Mass Destruction“:

Claim: Quotes reproduce statements made by Democratic leaders about Saddam Hussein’s acquisition or possession of weapons of mass destruction.
Status: True.

The page contains a host of quotes we’ve seen for years, back into the Clinton years, about Iraq and Saddam Hussein, and what people said (and did) about those now-infamous Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Nothing really new there; those quotes have been reproduced everywhere.
What I haven’t seen, though, is the context in which those statements were made.

In the section below where we highlight these quotes, we’ve tried to provide sufficient surrounding material to make clear the context in which the quotes were offered as well as include links to the full text from which they were derived wherever possible.

There are some interesting nuggets on this Snopes page, and you might be surprised by some of them. I was.
What I didn’t find was a comparable collection of statements by Republicans about WMD (and their context), and I have no doubt they’d be just as interesting.
Anybody have a link to share to balance this Snopes page?