Polimom Says

Coopertown's mayor – just a great all-around guy

There was a recent comment thread (stemming from an illegal immigration post) that touched on child labor laws, and how they affect kids mowing lawns. We wandered just a tad off-subject but it was interesting nonetheless; it had simply not occurred to me that a 14- or 15-year-old teenager could no longer legally mow the grass.
So when Polimom read about this beleaguered mayor, I was just filled with sympathy:

The complaint also accuses Crosby of violating child-labor laws by hiring several teens, including his stepson and the son of the town’s vice mayor, to mow grass.

Poor guy – especially since he appears to be a really… special human being otherwise:

The complaint accuses Mayor Danny Crosby of frequently using racial slurs since his election in 2004. In one instance, the complaint said Crosby swore in a new police officer on Martin Luther King Day and said, “Happy James Earl Ray Day,” a reference to King’s assassin.

Polimom suspects he just kind of forgot… since, of course, racism is dead in the United States. He was probably just kidding around with one of those little jokes among friends, ya know? It’s just us folks here… haw haw haw….
:: belch ::
And no doubt Coopertown, TN — a town of only 3,000 people (I’d consider it a village) – has difficulty with its revenue stream.

The mayor is also accused of ordering police officers to ticket soldiers and Hispanics for speeding because he thought neither group would contest the fines in court.

I think this mayor probably deserves special recognition instead of all this troublesome negative publicity. He’s such a creative problem-solver, and how else should they raise money? Do people think it just grows on trees?? Expectations are downright unreasonable, obviously!
And just look at this nonsense:

The complaint also accused Crosby of using the police to target his critics, telling officers to plant a liquor bottle in an opponent’s car so she could be arrested for driving drunk. Carney said it was never carried out.

AWwwww c’mon now… this looks like more of that libr’l “thought police” foolishness. Even the District Attorney General said that idea never came to fruition! It was probably another one of those cute jokes, anyway. (He sounds like a really fun guy, eh? A laugh a minute…)
Even if some of these allegations are true (and there sure are a bunch of them, so it’s probably only a political smear job) – this mayor has been working so hard on behalf of his town, bending the rules and making sacrifices for the greater good:

Crosby also is accused of telling officers to watch, ticket or arrest several city officials and of ignoring a police officer’s failed psychological test because “he’s my star ticket writer.”

Really! If a police officer can help fill the coffers of this unfortunate mayor’s city, who cares whether he might be a tad unstable, or dangerous with a weapon?

Thomas Walding, 18, a native of Coopertown, said the accusations make the entire town look bad, though he believes Crosby has done some good things for the city — like repaving several roads and cleaning up trash.
“Everybody’s got their own flaws,” he said. “He’s done an all right job. He’s done as good a job as anybody else that would have been in there.”

Mr. Walding no doubt has the right of it. Now you’ll have to excuse me while I rush to the bathroom to rid myself of the breakfast I’d so foolishly consumed before reading this revolting little news item…