Polimom Says

Friday Night Lights

Although I’ve shot sports / action in the past (primarily swimming and volleyball), I’ve wanted to shoot football for some time — no doubt because I’m such a fan.  Wasn’t sure how to get into it, though, since it seems to be an area where you have to know someone, or already have experience.
So when I came across someone looking for photographers to cover Christian schools’ football games last week, I approached him with some trepidation.   I explained that I’d never shot football (much less at night), but that I had the gear and the motivation… and he said “Welcome!”

To say that I learned a lot Friday night would understate the curve rather dramatically.  I shot nearly 400 images, and dumped over half immediately.   Ack!
I learned that:  horizons are tough to keep straight with a monopod;  spectators at some games will stand nearly on the field and suddenly block your shot; shooting in a dimly-lit field makes my focus slower than I’m used to;  300mm can be TOO CLOSE;  and many other helpful tidbits.  LOL!
On the good news side, I ended up with roughly 100 that were worth uploading to the Lone Star Christian Sports Network (LCSCN.com).

And on the even better news side…  I wasn’t totally discouraged.  Hopefully he’ll let me try again.

That probably means, though, that I’ll be busy on Friday nights for awhile.