Polimom Says

Google Ads and Obama-smears

Making the rounds of my “(Usually) Politically Sane” links this evening, I encountered an odd Google ad over at Donklephant. It said,

“Barack Obama: Muslim?
Do Barack’s Muslim roots make him a ‘bad guy’ for many Americans?”

The ad linked to an Obama smear piece from April 2007, published by The First Post — an online UK media publication recently purchased by Dennis Publishing.

Launched in 2005, www.thefirstpost.co.uk reaches over one million unique users every month and distinguishes itself from other current affairs sites by independently commissioning all articles and content and presenting them in a unique manner, with compelling pictures and innovative illustrations. The website distributes daily email newsletters to subscribers and is free to access.

Why the heck would they be advertising that article via Google adsense? I don’t have a clue, but I zipped an email off to Justin Gardner. He’s now got a post up about it, and has blocked the url in the ad filters.
So — Obviously, the Obama / Muslim attacks aren’t merely slithering around in the subterranean email caves. They’re also being spread via google ads in the political blogosphere!
I wonder whether Google would be willing to say who purchased the ad?

* * * * *

Added:  No, I haven’t directly linked the article.  Just can’t bring myself to give it any more play.  Donklephant has a screen shot, though, and the link.