Polimom Says

Information is Hard to Get

I’m posting this mostly to the many who want to know when they can come home, if only to check the damage and grab some belongings (as they’ve said they’re going to allow for Jefferson Parish).
I have arranged a call tomorrow with officials, and I plan to at least ask the question. I will absolutely post anything I learn.
I have to confess, though, that I have doubts about even the Jeff. Parish return actually happening. There are something like 1 million refugees – and a pretty large percentage of those are from Jeff. That sounds pretty unmanageable (imho).
About the looting: yes, it is happening. Breaux Mart and CVS, I’m told, have been hit hard. Last night, looters were going up and down Kabel Drive, to and from those stores. They weren’t looting the houses, that I’ve heard.
Scary place all over… which is one reason why houses are only being looked at from the street for damage. Many are armed, and all are scared. So far, though, the all-out war zone we’re seeing on TV is NOT being repeated in Algiers.