Polimom Says

Morning Coffee

Post-election, most folks have been writing furiously about What It All Means, and/or How We Can Keep / Regain Power. Polimom can only take so much of that before going nuts; let’s take a break.
— In the midst of all the madness on election day, CNN burst forth with a crucial “Breaking News” event. It seems that Britney’s marriage was ending. (*gasp*) Lots of folks (like me) mentally tossed that into the full-to-overflowing “stupid celebrities nobody cares about” bin.
However, it turns out to have been a real problem for sincere, patriotic Americans — which just goes to show you why Polimom’s a lousy source for political analysis.

Jon Swift explains.

— A few months ago, Polimom posted about Wal-Mart, and why I don’t shop there. As often happens, several readers were unimpressed with my thoughts. I still owe you a follow-up post (sorry….), but in the meanwhile, I thought Amba’s post on the subject might give you something else to chew on:

I don’t like Wal-Mart

One of the less-rationally covered stories this week was a position paper from the Church of England called “The ethics of prolonging life in fetuses and the newborn” — primarily because most folks only read the Daily Mail’s version of events, which opened with the tabloidic headline that hysterically screeched about killing babies at birth!!!. Predictably, a number of folks looked no deeper than the tabloids… but hilzoy at Obsidian Wings took a calmer look at the situation. (BTW — I’ve added Obsidian Wings to my small list of the “(usually) politically sane”, partly on the basis of this post, but also because they’re hosting a number of views.)

How Not To Cover Medical Ethics

— Last but not least, I stumbled across someone having a conversation with themselves online about the various search terms that brought folks in. I can’t find that post to link (and I think it was one of Polimom’s regular readers, so please tell me if it’s yours…), but it caught my attention.
It’s true; folks out there in the www occasionally search on some very strange phrases, and I often wonder what’s happening in the background to have prompted such thoughts. Here, for example, is one that brought Polimom a visitor recently:

do people eat babies

Not only did this confirm that I really don’t understand search engines (sixth hit out of nearly 6 million???), I also couldn’t come up with the how/why of the term itself. Cannibalism? A Swiftonian social statement?? I drew a blank, so I decided to toss it out for your input. Discuss.
And enjoy your day…