Polimom Says

Outing black people?

This is really, truly pathetic (CNN):

WASHINGTON (CNN) — A ranking Democrat in the House of Representative is apologizing for saying an African-American Senate candidate “slavishly” supported the Republican Party.
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, said he meant no offense when he made the remark about Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, the GOP nominee for the seat being vacated by longtime Democratic Sen. Paul Sarbanes.
“If Mr. Steele did in fact take offense, let me assure him that none was intended,” Hoyer said. “But Mr. Steele continuously tries to divert attention from the fact that he is an unwavering supporter of the Republican agenda and of President Bush and Vice President Cheney.”
Hoyer’s office also released a statement from Melvin Forbes, a black businessman who sponsored the campaign event, who said “there was absolutely no offense taken or noticed.”
Heye disagreed, saying there are “a great deal of people upset about it.”

Slavish. Jesum. I had to go look it up, believe it or not:

Main Entry: slav·ish
Pronunciation: 'slA-vish sometimes 'sla-
Function: adjective
1 a : of or characteristic of a slave; especially : basely or abjectly servile b archaic : DESPICABLE, LOW

Lovely, don’t you think?
This is exactly like the gay “outing” campaign, except this version says that if you’re a black person in the Republican Party, you are akin to slaves serving masters.
Just a friendly little reminder for the African-American constituency that only the Democrats represent their issues… just as there’s only one plank that matters for homosexuals.
The Democrats are making me sick with this heavy-handed peer-pressure garbage.