Polimom Says

Outing the gay witches

Ah! It’s all coming clear now… the cover-up of Foley’s activities over the last decade was orchestrated by gays who have infiltrated the GOP. It’s a plot! They fooled people by masquerading as Republicans when they’re really “closeted Dems” (from AIM via memeorandum):

Trandahl is so much of a Republican that he joined the board of the Human Rights Campaign Fund, another gay political action committee that commits most of its funds to electing Democrats. Its latest list of “winning candidates” is all Democrats, except for Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee, who admits not voting for President Bush in 2004.
If you are getting the idea that gay Republicans may be closeted Democrats, then you are beginning to understand how the Mark Foley scandal could have been a Democratic Party dirty trick.
In response to the scandal, a representative of the Log Cabin Republicans, a homosexual activist group, has been on cable channels like CNN and MSNBC expressing the fear that the Foley scandal will be used to root out homosexual influence in the Republican Party. But the Log Cabin Republicans are so Republican that its board voted 22-2 against endorsing President Bush in 2004 because of his stand against homosexual marriage.
So if the gay Republicans are not really Republicans, what are they? One veteran observer of this network told AIM that the Foley scandal should make it crystal clear that the gay Republicans are in reality “liberal activists” who want to use the party to advance the same homosexual agenda embraced by the Democrats.

This reminds me of an article I linked forever ago, about how one can’t be a liberal and a Christian — which no doubt came as a complete surprise to some folks left of center.
So… if you’re gay, and you thought that the Gay Marraige Amendment was a really stupid idea, you can’t be a real Republican — which must make you a subversive. (What does that mean, I wonder, for heterosexuals who also thought the Marraige Amendment was idiocy? Are they allowed to keep their GOP lapel pins?)
Evidently, AIM’s Cliff Kincaid sees the GOP as a one trick pony one plank party. This is very helpful of him, actually, since there are probably quite a few people who, like Polimom, confusedly thought that Republicans had a couple other ideas. Silly us…
Meanwhile, gay activists continue the forcible outing of people who didn’t actually want their sex lives plastered all over the internet. It seems that if you are a “real” Republican (which we now know is defined as support for the GMA), your private life needs to be exposed to the world.
Is this how it all started for the Salem “witches”?
Polimom wonders what’s next. Perhaps trial by water? That was popular at one time, I hear…

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More here from James Joyner, whose post includes this great bit:

Articles like this one by Kinkaid reinforce the view that Republicans are closed minded bigots, making it harder to persuade moderates from voting for the party’s candidates. Come to think of it, maybe AIM is a Democratic Party dirty trick? It would certainly explain a lot.