Polimom Says

Report from Algiers Point

They (my family/friends) did a walkabout around the Point, and called me with some details. Pretty much all good news.
Yes, there is indeed a ship, nose into the levee, at the bottom of Pacific. My second mom went close enough to take pictures, and I gather there are a couple more boats underneath the ship (!).
Oddly enough, they tell me the River is peaceful and quiet – almost a blue color (I don’t think I’ve ever seen it that way). Kind of ironic, although the river didn’t cause the damage.
Around the Point, they tell me that all the trees are damaged in some way, bar none. ALL of the trees down by the river (on the other side of the levee) are snapped in half.
Sadly but unsurprisingly, there is some property damage. They tell me that they found only two homes, though, that were “flattened” – and they believe both of these were uninhabited properties (no, I don’t have the addresses). Several others are damaged badly, but those two were the only ones he described as “destroyed”. Sheds and stuff are another matter.
There are some condos (the Point Condos?) that apparently are “blown out” on the upper East and West corners. Apparently you can see right through them.
The Old Courthouse had all its windows blown out.
The Library is “in fine shape”, they tell me – although the big oak tree across the street blew down.
My (sort of) brother in law asked me to pass this message along: “If I could tell people anything, I’d want them to know this: somehow, it seems that every tree that fell down, managed to fall the only way it could have to avoid damaging anything…. either into streets, yards, or onto lines.”
The guy who has a little corner store near my family is open for business, selling sodas and supplies til they’re gone. That made me feel good.
I’ll post more when I learn it. And to navelstone: the word I got was that anything right around the library came through pretty well. I hope that you and yours are as lucky as my family has been.